1.) Who are your greatest musical influences?
My greatest bass playing influence would be Cord Neal, the legendary bass player of the now defunct band "The Martians".
2.) When did you meet Phil and start playing as a band? What do you hope to accomplish as a band – tour nationally? Make kick ass albums? 3.) It must be tough being a band with full time jobs on the side. Besides sleeping, what would you do if you had more free time?
I would travel to warm and sunny places, searching for somebody to love.
4.) How do you see yourself on the local scene – typical? Unusual? Do you relate to any “D.C. and Maryland” bands?
Having Mary as the leader of this band makes us anything but typical. I can relate to anyone, in a band or not, who achieves success by way of talent and hard work.
5.) How often do you guys practice?
Honestly, hardly ever. Maybe twice a month.
6.) What kind of family and musical background did you grow up with?
I grew up in standard middle-class suburban style. Musically, my parents played a lot of "oldies", and stuff by Billy Joel and Paul Simon. My sister and I were fans of Kiss, Fleetwood Mac, and Sha Na Na.
7.) What’s it like being in MP in comparison to being in other bands?
Compared to the other bands I have been in, being in MP is certainly more successful commercially. I do not have the creative input I once had, but that is okay, as I have nothing more to say.
8.) Do your parents come to shows?
Yes, my family is very supportive of the band.
9.) Do you ever feel the guys don’t get as much attention as Mary? Is that hard?
Of course we don't get as much attention as Mary. It is not hard for me, as my personality is not at all suited to being a front person for a band. Mary is able to be friendly to everyone, and I could never do that.
10.) What would you be doing if you weren’t in Mary Prankster?
Probably the same thing I do now, except that my weekends would be free. My life would move at a slower pace, which could be nice, but also potentially very dull. When we have time off, even though I welcome the rest, I tend to be bored.